Welcome!  We are hidden away in the heart of Tucson, near Grant & Mountain.
Find our main gate at 2301 N SANTA RITA AVENUE TUCSON 85719

We can be reached by phone or text at
520 990-1857 and our mailing address is 1195 E Edison, Tucson, Az.  85719

Contact instructors to register for our ongoing classes in the warm pool, including:

AI CHI 10:00am-11:30 on Saturdays

An aquatic practice of meditation in movement, offering mindfulness aligned with breath, Ai Chi helps calm nerves, improves balance, range of motion, and energy levels in the indoor 96 degree warm pool at Santa Rita Springs.

$20 per class. Call or text Connie at 520 245-6616, or email connieseddon@gmail.com

AQUA YOGA with Jessica Byron

Aquatic Yoga poses and stretches in the comfort and support of 96 degree water open up possibilities for improved balance, breathing and deep relaxation.   

$15/ class. Pre-register with Jessica Byron, Professional Yoga Therapist at healingpathyoga.com 

AQUACIZE with Rebecca Lennon, RN

Join us for a safe head to toe workout focusing on strength, balance and joint mobility. Perfect for those with chronic issues such as CMT, arthritis, lupus, MS, MD, fibromyalgia.

Trial class free! Pre-register with Rebecca for 8 consecutive classes $160 Call  520 444-8636 or email B43Lennon@aol.com